Characteristic | Value |
Standard | TU BY 700032335.030-2007 |
HS Code of FTA | 4803009000 |
Number of layers | from 1 to 3 |
Weight | from 16 to 38 g/m2 |
Degree of creping | from 5 to 25% |
Wet strength | from 5 to 20% |
Diameter of the roll | up to 1 500 mm |
Max. trimming width | 2 800 mm |
Unit of measurement | ton |
JSC “Paper-mill “Spartak” produces base paper of 2 types: from waste paper (recycled paper) and from cellulose. With moisture-resistant additives and without. Waste paper is represented by three brands, depending on the whiteness of the paper.
For all your questions, please contact the sales department specialists:
Certificates related to this type of product can be found in the site section certificates and licenses
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